Saturday, May 1, 2010

Blessed Beltane

May 1st has arrived and the growing season has begun.  I wanted to wish everyone a blessed Beltane. 

I also wanted to let everyone know that it has been crazy in my CASA.  School is coming to a close and I have started trying to organize my school schedule for the summer as well as complete testing on 19 little munchins.  The testing alone can drive you nuts.  Add on top of that each and every one of us is itching to be outside on a daily basis and  not locked behind the walls of a classroom and you have a very stressful environment indeed.

I have been so overwhelmed lately that I have been retreating to my room with a good book.  Of course, I spend some time with the family first.  But this time of year always requires alot of a teacher mentally.  I do have to take time to be alone and just breath.

That being said, as soon as school is over I will begin posting regularly again.  Do not forget about me.  I am hear.  Just not necessarily here on the blog for the moment.  I will post as something interesting comes up... like this new to me book called Circle Round.  It is the best resource I have found to date on raising a witchy family.  Review to come.

Anyways, I am off to a family reunion.  I had hoped for sunshine and outdoor time, but it seems the weather has other thoughts in mind.  Guess the Goddess really is trying to make the world a bit greener today.

Again, happy Beltane and blessed be.


  1. When I found out I was pregnant I wen tout and got Circle Round. It's on permanent rotation in our house as I refer to it all the time.

    Looking forward to having you back once every thing has settled down

  2. Hope your family reunion is wonderful!

    Happy Beltane!
