Sunday, September 26, 2010


© Wendy Amdahl 2009

The Witch began to cackle
casting off upon her broom.

And the Owl, began to bellow
at the big ole’ amber moon.

The Winds they were a whipping
and a zipping through the trees.

And the Leaves did blow, all to and fro,
swept by the chilly breeze.

The Jack O’ Lantern grimaced
with a grin that lit the night.

And the Moon she cast Moonshadows,
giving off an eerie light.

The Old Graves lay so dank and still
within the hollowed ground.

While the Specters they did shriek and moan
with such a ghastly sound.

The Haunted House stood silent watch
from high upon the hill.

And the Black Cat, stood as sentry,
perched up in the window sill.

The Witching Hour drew nigh
and there was Magic close at hand.

As Hallowe’en and Samhain
finally swept across the land.

Go forth and turn the Wheel of Time,
as time does not stand still.

Trick or Treat out in the street,
until you get your fill.

Old customs we do celebrate
And Harvest time is here.

Tis’ also time that we embrace
the dark half of the year.

So revel in Enchantments,
dance beneath the Magic Moon.

Conjure up some midnight fun
for day will be here soon.

Remember All Souls laid to rest;
place flowers upon their bed.

For on Halloween we celebrate
the living and the dead.


  1. I love the new look of your blog.... very in tune with the season... blessings

  2. Wendy's art and poetry are so great! Thanks for posting this!
