Thursday, October 22, 2009

All Hallows Eve

I am a kindergarten teacher as most of you know.  The other night while trying to go to sleep and thinking about the upcoming holiday I began to think of a story and had to write it down.  This is exactly as I wrote it... I was still definitely in that slumber land state of semi-consciousness.

On All Hallows Eve
as most of us know,
the veil between worlds
grows thin, so we're told.

The Lord
in the Summerland...
The Lady on Earth...
search for a door
in the light of the hearth.

As the door doth appear,
both sigh a relief
and commune once again
and have a big feast.

New memories are made
and old ones remembered
as all of our loved ones
have gathered together.

As the sun does rise
on the New Year again,
give thanks
for your family, your loved ones, and friends.

Happy Samhain!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely poem - and great for kids to understand the turn of the wheel!
