Sunday, October 4, 2009

Samhain Traditions

So with this being my very first "official" Samhain...  I wanted to know what traditions you follow every year (especially in regards to children). 

I have created a seasons/nature table.  Not sure what name we will actually call it yet.  I think I am going to let my boys make the final decision.  I wanted actual things we have collected from outside and this has been impossible thus far due to rain (yes, rain) in Texas.  Plus, here in the south we just do not experience the seasons as beautifully as some other parts of the country.  So, I had to make due with store bought items for now.  We have a floral display in all the fantastic autumnal colors, a metal tin for collecting various natural wonders, 2 wooden stars (xmas ornaments) that I am using as a pentacle, 2 votive candles in glass holders, pine cones, plastic gourdes (I hate to waste the real thing as I would never eat them), and several leaves.  I almost forgot my favorite addition... a ceramic witch's shoes like the one from Wizard of Oz.  It is so funky and fun I had to have it.

My son, T Man is in Cub Scouts and we will be camping in 3 weeks, so hopefully while he is doing his thing JJ (the 3 year old) and I can go on a search for goodies.

I have bought a pumpkin that is truly spectacular.  It is fat, round, and perfect on one side and flat and scarred on the other.  This pumpkin just screamed... BUY ME!  My boys want me to go online and find a fancy pumpkin pattern for this year instead of our traditional shape based face.  We will definitely be sitting on the front porch posing with our finished masterpiece.  I have a picture of the boys with the pumpkin since T Man was a year old.  Such fun memories.

On Halloween night, the boys will of course be dressing up and going trick-or-treating as always.  I do not know if I am going to even bother with purchasing candy this year as we have to leave it in a big bucket on the front porch and hope people are honest and leave some for the rest of the kiddies.

Besides the above, I am unsure what else we will do.  Here are some ideas I have:
  • baking a pie together
  • making homemade applesauce
  • baking a nice dinner and sitting down as a family to eat and chat (focusing on remembering those we love that have gone before us)
  • lighting a candle in their memory and another candle to honor the earth and all the bounty it has provided
  • saying a special blessing.
Here is a blessing/prayer I found in regards to one's passing:

Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there. I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you wake in the morning hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.

Do not stand at my grave and weep.
I am not there. I do not sleep.

Please feel free to share some of your thoughts and traditions with me as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hiya! Visiting from the SITS Happy Saturday Sharefest:)

    Alas...the kids have all grown and we don't really celebrate Halloween. We don't even hand out candy b/c no one stops by b/c we live so far out in the country.
    Of course, when they were little we dressed up, decorated a little, went to the Halloween parade, etc.
    I'm wondering where the time went.....
