Friday, November 20, 2009

Birthday Rituals

Little J turns four in about a week.  I have not established set birthday rituals for my family as of yet.  I want the rituals to be fun, timeless, and at least a bit magikal. 

Here are my thoughts...
1.  Setting Up the "Nature Table"
  • signs of the season- leaves, gourdes, nuts, seeds, etc.
  • recent projects made by my son
  • photos and memories of my son from birth to current age (my scrapbooks)
  • small tokens of special meaning to my family and the birthday boy- EX. lost teeth, shells, mementos from plays or events, favorite book, first stuffed toy, blankie, etc.
  • 2 candles (one white to represent his birth and one in his favorite color to represent his long life ahead)
2. Birthday Person's Favorite Dessert and Drink

3.  Gifts
  • one from each family member
  • one of magical significance- stones, crystals, plant, sleep protection bags, book, yoga mat for meditation, etc.
4.  Birthday Crown
  • I am thinking about making an adjustable crown that can be worn from year to year until they just won't do it any more.  I am considering using cardboard cereal boxes as a template and felt for the actual crown.  I probably need to search the web to find some helpful directions.
The Actual Ritual
1.  Call to the 4 Elements and Your Goddess
Since we believe more in spiritual energy and a being more grandiose than ourselves, we will not be using a specific name.  We also want to be cautious on the terminology used with our children as family and friends are mostly unaware of our spiritual path.  We live in an area where it could be very difficult for my kids if others believed we were not of similar beliefs as theirs... sad I know.
  • Place a star sticker or star shaped item in each person's hand.
  • Allow the birthday child or another family member to say a birthday blessing at the "Nature Table".  We will use the following unless I get creative and come up with an alternative.
We call to you, Mother Earth, to be with us on this special day.
We call water, earth, air and fire to help protect our family and bring joy within our waking hours.
We wish ___ a blessed birthday and would like you to share in our remembrance.
*Everyone will trace their star with a finger while I say the above.*
  • Place the birthday crown upon the head of the birthday person.  The crown should be worn until the end of the ritual.
  • With assistance, allow the birthday child to light the white candle.

2.  Remembering the Past
  • Allow various members of the family including the birthday person to select an item from the table and explain how the item connects to the birthday person.  Reminisce about all things related to the life of the person being honored... happy, sad, fun, funny, changes, healings, struggles, etc.
3.  Thank the Goddess and Close the Ritual
  • Say the following to close the ritual...
We thank you, Mother Earth, for joining us today to remind our family of how special __ is to us.
With hugs and kisses we show our love.
  • With assistance, allow the birthday child to light the remaining candle. 
  • Give many hugs and kisses.
Now that the ritual is closed bring the two candles to the table or eating area.  Sing a favorite birthday song. Allow teh child to make a wish and blow out the candles on the cake.  Do not blow out the ritual candles until leaving the home or going to sleep.  Eat and drink with the birthday child.  Finally, open presents.  Allow each family member to present the birthday child with a gift.  One of the parents will present the magikal gift and share its significance.

Since I am still learning, I need lots of help.  Please provide feedback if you have any.


  1. WOW lady this sounds very elaborate!

    I have a question, is this a family function or are there going to be other people present? I'm asking because I'm thinking about one of your old posts and how you and your husband were a bit skeptical on how non-Pagan friends of your child might react.

    What you have put together is amazingly beautiful and profound, but I can't stop thinking that it might be too much for such a young child.

    Please feel free to disregard the second part of this comment, there are times when I just can't keep my opinion to myself ;)

    A world of happiness to the birthday boy!

  2. Oh, all this part will just be us. We will do the cake and presents part at a bowling alley with family.

    I work with kiddos all day so I am pretty proficent when it comes to moving things along and keeping a kiddos interest. I am thinking that the entire thing would take about 15 minutes depending on how long he wants to talk about himslef or how long he wants us to talk about him.

    This or something similar will happen on Friday. I'll let you know how it goes.

  3. I thought you'd do it that way, but know nosy me, must make sure lol.

  4. Well, as stated in the post about how "my" day went on Js b-day. things did not go quite as planned. There is always next year. And T man has a b-day in February.
