Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Believe It or Not


1 : the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers
2 : unusual insight : intuitive perception.
I have been thinking about divination alot lately.  I have been trying to decide if this is something I believe to be truthful or not. 
I have a few questions in which to ponder...
1.  If you practice divination, is it the divination that is working to help foretell the future or guide you OR is it your wishes that help to guide your interpretation of the divination "tools' (tarot, pendulum, etc.)?
2.  If your wishes are guiding your reading, does that really matter?  You are still thinking through a solution or situation in a more direct and analytical way than you would have without the use of divination.
3.  What is the real purpose of divination?  Is it to tell the future of something asked?  Help to guided your decisions in life?  Help you sort through something that you need assistance with?
If the last is true, then I think divination could be a powerful tool to use while thoughtfully contemplating what life has thrown your way.  If nothing else, trying out divination is definitely fun.  BUT is divination truly spiritual?
If you have an opinion, please share.  I would love to hear your thoughts.


  1. I don't believe in "telling the future" in the sense that, the messages you are given will come true 100%.

    I believe strongly in divination - in that it is a snapshot of right now and where you are heading. If I read my cards (or have them read for me) this will tell me where I'm headed. I can change this anytime I want if the reading is not jiving with my future hopes. I just have to change my plans, make a better efffort, get rid of some things holding me back, etc.

    I look at divination as a "touch stone" where I can stop for a moment, assess a situation or a path, and then continue on or regroup and plan another avenue.

    This way, I always feel as though I'm in charge of my own destiny! Of course, that also means I'm responsible for it....eek!

  2. Thanks for the comment, Rue. Your comment is very similar to a conversation I had with my husband. I told him that I think using tarot or any other divination is a way to truly take the time to contemplate a situation or event in life. It will allow the person to make decisions and head in a new direction if need be or affirm the path that the person is already taking.

    Being new to the path, I just want to make sure I am on the right track. I know everyone thinks of things differently, but it always nice to hear others' opinions.

    Thanks for always leanding and ear and responding to my posts Your guidance is very helpful.

  3. I would really love to give an opinion about this..but I'm in your shoes; still very new to the path and trying to find my way.

    Divinationis something I've pondered a great deal as well...but I suspect I'm going to really enjoy my runes and tarot cards once I understand them better.

    Good luck!

  4. For me, divination is a tool for self-exploration, for tapping my unconscious mind and bringing buried knowledge to the surface. Images, symbols, and archetypes form connections and associations in my brain, leading me to discover new connections and associations.

    I can't discount others' experiences with divination and what feels like divine intervention or serendipity. But if those things do affect my own readings, then they are working through my meditation and thought processes, and not as separate phenomena. I don't see any supernatural forces at work in divination, only "uber-natural" ones.

    Does that make any sense? :-)

