Sunday, December 27, 2009


 What the heck are those?

Well... first, check out   This will help you understand the
Then, read below to learn about these crazy things called Soap Nuts.
SoapNuts are the fruit of a tree that can actually be used to clean your laundry.  They are low sudsing, so they work great with HE washers as well.

SoapNuts Benefits:
  • They are by nature 100%  natural.
  • organic and really gentle... Great for people with young children or sensitive skin.
  • They are completely biodegradable.
  • antimicrobial... You can use them with a septic or grey-water system.
  • You can add essential oil to a cotton cloth and place it in the washer or drier to add fragrance to you laundry.
  • & There is a no risk guarantee... if you don't like SoapNuts, you get your money back!!

** The above information was obtained from the SoapNuts site.**


  1. Sounds interesting! I'm all about using green products around the house. In fact, I have to be a bit anal because my son doesn't detox properly.

    As for horrible skin, 9 times out of 10, it seems skin issues are caused by food sensitivities. Particularly dairy, gluten products, and even soy.

    Anytime my daughter gets eczema, we know we're giving her too much dairy, so we cut back and it clears right up.

    Hope that helps!


  2. I completely agree that food usually plays a big part in how skin reacts. Unfortunately, JJs skin doesn't shed naturally, so it really is more of a matter of being able to peel the old skin off faster than his skin regenerates. His skin regenerates faster than the average person.
    It's all so very complicated.

    Thanks for the advice though. He does eat tons of dairy and there is a high probably that he could be lactose intolerant. I'm gonna give cutting back on the dairy a try and see how it goes. I'll let you know.
