Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Simplicity... It's Just One Little Word

One Little Word was started by a Ali Edwards in 2007 on her blog. Anastasia from  Deep in My Broom Closet is beginning this tradition with her... that's how I stumbled upon it.

Basically what you do is choose a single word to focus on for 2010.  Make it a word all of your own.  Something that inspires or motivates you.  My word for the year will be...


This word works very well with my   I need to take the time to simplify my life for many reasons:
  • to make more time for my family & friends
  • to make more time for myself
  • to get back into the groove of life (exercising, spending time with others, etc... It seems I have been neglecting those I care most about. & I know I have been neglecting myself.)
  • to become closer to nature & the earth.

With this word as a focus for the new year, I hope to reach many (if not all) of the goals I have set for myself.  I think that if I can accomplish these goals it will help me to be a calmer, more self aware person.  I hope it will allow me to not be afraid to just be myself... let loose just a little bit. 

I am a pretty confident person & rarely care much about other's opinions of me, yet I have the hardest time letting my guard down.  There are situations in which I will fight to the death for what I believe, but then turn around and keep myself hidden in the very next second.  I have always been like this since I was a child.  Who knows why?  But, I am hoping that SIMPLICITY will bring me closer to my truth self (make me aware of who that is) and let her shine.     


  1. I think that is a perfect word. I hope that it helps you through the year.

    I wanted to let you know that Ali Edwards does this every year. I would love to take credit for it but I can't.

    But thank you for joining in.

  2. I love the word.... simply love it...

  3. Wonderful word! It makes you realize that only few things should be on the "very important" list. There is so much we put on our plates that we don't need!

  4. ~may you walk each day in a simple way...may each moment that passes by be filled with sheer simplicity...wonderful word you have chosen! brightest blessings and may the new year be filled with much love & light~

  5. Very nice, just one word, huh? I guess I'll pick the word that has ruled my life ever since I remember: ECLECTICISM. I just feel that my life is more productive when I add a bit of everything and everyone to my daily living.

    I wish you the best of luck this new year hun!

  6. I'm ALL about simplicity. Great choice!
