Saturday, February 6, 2010

Imbolc Card Exchange

I (like so many of you) have wondered where the months have gone.  It seems every day has been filled, but with what I am not sure.

I did take the time recently to make my card for the Imbolc Card Exchange.  Just thought I would share the finished product. 

I so need to explore my creative side more often.  It was very hard for me to let go of structure and just have fun.  Creating from the heart should be pure joy... not about if it will be as nice as everyone else's.

This has always been one of my downfalls.  Comparing myself to others when it comes to how creative and crafty I am instead of allowing myself to just enjoy the moment. 

In actuality, I guess I really never allow myself to let my guard down.  I would never dare dance for fear of being watched and an immense uncomfortableness about what to do with myself. 

Hmmm... Where did all this come from?  I was posting about cards, right?  Oh, well.  Hope you don't mind a little insight into who I am.


  1. a wonderful time to think of creativity and what we can do.... I love the cards... Taking time to create from yourself can be quite good.... enjoy your weeknd...

  2. I have the same problems when I try to be creative. I come from an extrememly talented and artistic family and I just don't have it. I have to use stencils for what they can do freehand. We might have to put a lot more time into a project than others but I think the finished project often has a lot more heart and love behind it.

  3. Those are great looking cards! It is amazing what art brings out in us. It pulls our inner feelings right out. Even though making these brought things some difficult feelings out I hope you were able to enjoy the process and are proud of the art you made!

  4. Thanks guys. I actually felt okay about the outcome of the cards. I think they looked pretty good, just not like I orginally intended. creativity seems to lead you down the road less traveled.

  5. I appreciate the cards ( ;
    Its a treat that they are blank, now I
    can put my own pictures & poems inside.
    Imbolc has brought many challenges & emotional confrontations for me too. Your cards add such color to my white, grey & brown winter landscape.
    Blessed Be
    Heidi Dawn

  6. Glad you like them.
