Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunshine Eggs

AKA... deviled eggs. 

I forget where I heard them called Sunshine Eggs, but the author's reason for changing the name made perfect sense.  Why call them deviled eggs when we do not believe in the devil?  The beautiful color of the yoke looks just like the sun on a crisp, clear day... thus, Sunshine Eggs was born.

  • dozen boiled eggs
  • garlic salt
  • pepper
  • paprika
  • mustard
  • mayo
  • sweet relish

1.  Carefully remove the shell from all of the boiled eggs.

2.  Rinse eggs and pat dry with a cloth.

3.  Cut each egg in half length wise.

4.  Scoop all egg yokes out of the eggs and place them in a medium sized bowl.  Place empty egg whites face up on a serving platter.

5.  Using the back of a fork, smash eggs into a fine powder.

6.  Sprinkle all spices onto the yokes.  Mix well.

7.  Add a couple of Tablespoons of relish.  You can use dill relish if you do not like sweet Sunshine Eggs.  Mix well.

8.  Add 2-3 TBS. of mayo... I use miracle whip for the sweetness.  Mix well.

9.  Add 2-3 squirts of mustard.  If you like a hint of spice, use dijon mustard instead.  Mix well.

10.  Scoop a large spoonful of yoke into each egg.  Sprinkle with paprika for color.

11.  Place finished eggs in the fridge for several hours to chill.


  1. ~nothing like the richness and reminder of spring that comes from "sunshine eggs" L♥ve it...i will never speak of them as they once were...brightest blessings~

  2. You know, you're so right! I hadn't even given it any thought, but from now on, they're sunshine eggs to me too! :)
