Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Lucky, Lucky Day

Well, this week has served to give me a much needed boost of happiness amongst this dreary, wet Texas weather.  I have been given a combo award from Magaly from Pagan Culture.

It is my honor to pass the Beauty and Sunshine Award along to some of my fellow bloggers.

Of course, there are rules.  But as we know rules are sometimes made to be broken and Ms. Magaly did just that.  I love the new rules though. 

They are simple:  1 LUCKY fact and 3 things that BRIGHTEN your day.

Then, pass along the award to others as you see fit.

Well, here goes...

I was the first baby born in Harris county (an area of Houston) in 1975.  My mom received tons of prizes.  We were in the paper.  I got some long forgotten bank account as a start to a college fund.  It was a big deal back then.

**  when my boys smile or I hear them giggle... you know the ones that come straight from the belly

**  when I cook something that actually taste good and the entire family enjoys it... this is a rarity for me.  I'm just not a cook. 

**  stealing an hour to read undisturbed... I am beginning to get to do this more and more as the boys are getting older.  Reading takes you away and allows you to relax in a way nothing else can. 

Now to pass along the award to some recently discovered blogs. 

1.  K. Michele @ Crafty Fae


  1. Oh I know that rare delight of making something that is a joy to eat! I am always on a quest for those recipes. Thank you so much for the award and thinking of me, I really appreciate it and it's wonderful to meet you!

  2. WOW! The first baby in a county, huh?

    That sounds wonderful and very lucky indeed!

    Congrats on your award. And I love what you did with it ;-)

  3. I, too, was born in 1975...just the other end of it. :)

    And cooking? It's not my forte either.

    Congrats on your awards!
