Saturday, April 3, 2010

Simple Activities for Beltane

Floral Garland
Gather wild flowers.  Take a pin and, at the point where the stem meets the bud, make a small slit. Slide the stem of another flower into the slit. Then, make a slit on that flower, and slide another in. Continue this until your garland has reach the desired length.

*If you connect the last flower to the first flower, you will have a beautiful head wreath.

Herbal Sachets
Using pinking shears to cut a small square of light fabric.  Place dried herbs in the center of the cut fabric. Gather up the edges and tie closed with a ribbon.

Gifts for the Forest Creatures
What a nice way to say... Happy Spring!  Consider stringing popcorn on thread, placing a bird feeder in your trees, or simply setting out a bird bath.  The creatures in around your home will thank you.

**As a gift to the God and Goddess, use the activities above to hang in your trees.

"Behind the symbolic union of Goddess and God is the lesson that when two things come together, they form a new whole. This can be seen throughout all of the land as Earth and Sun meet to bring forth the blossoming new life. Hence, Beltane is a great time for weaving."

Braid colorful ribbons together and hang them from your trees or around your home.

You may want to consider making a Beliefs Braid (from Paganism: An Introduction to Earth-Centered Religions). 

Belief Braid
You will need three strands at least 15 inches long.  You may choose any color or material you would like.  If the color and material are the exact same, tie a charm or other small token to the end of each strand to distinguish them apart.

Select one strand to represent each of the following:
  • thoughts, ideas, & beliefs
  • resources available to you
  • opportunities.
From the above stated book directly or paraphrased...

As you hold the strand for thoughts, ideas, & beliefs say something similar to...

"I open myself to new ideas and ways of seeing the world.  I open myself to having new insights and allowing myself to try on new perspectives."

Sit and meditate a moment.

As you hold the strand for resources say something similar to...

I open myself to find the new friends, teachers, organizations, and books that I need to explore my path.  I open myself to all the resources the universe has to offer.

Sit and meditate a moment.

As you hold the strand for opportunities say something similar to...

I open myself to create the opportunities I need to explore my new path, new insights, and new beliefs.  I open myself to growing in new and surprising ways.
 Sit and meditate a moment.
Gather the 3 strands together and knot them about an inch down from the top of the strands.  Secure the knot in some way, so that you may begin braiding.  As you move one strand over the other pause momentarily and whisper... "open" or some other word of your choosing.  Repeat until you reach about 1 inch from the bottom of the strands.  Tie the braid off with a final knot.
When tying the final knot, say... I give myself permission to be who I truly am.

Carry your belief braid with you for several weeks.  At the end of each week, unbraid and rebraid to help you refocus on your goals.  At the end of four weeks, keep as a memento or bury in the earth.

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of the belief braid, it's just the spell I'll need for the coming projects I have lined up for this spring and summer.
