Friday, June 4, 2010

A Reading of the Cards

So, I have been playing around with my new Celtic Message Cards.  I absolutely adore the round shape.  the cards feel just lovely in your hand.  This far I have only been pulling one card in reference to a question or concern. 

I was amazed at the results.

My first inquiry was simply...

In which direction should I head?

Here is the card I pulled and the meaning I derived from the card.

The Mistletoe card is all about health and healing.  I found this to be so appropriate at this point in my life.  I need to lose about 50 pounds, lower my blood pressure, and start exercising and much more.  My husband and I have been talking about what options I have.  Seeing this card let me know that is time for a change and that I need to take action now and not later.

There was no question asked for the following card.  I simple drew a card to see where it would take me.

The APPLE TREE card is all about using your strong physical and metal health to help others.  T Man really wants next year to be the best school year yet.  I need to be healthy in all ways to help him achieve this goal.  Seems to play right along with the previous card I think.

This card also lends itself to magic and spiritualism.  I think it is time to come up with a spiritual plan for my family as they are beginning to take on the beliefs of others.  I feel like they can handle learning bits and pieces from me at this time as well.

The question asked for this card was for T Man.

What is in store my eldest son?

The SERPENT represents change.  It shows major changes in the life of my soon to be 3rd grade.  I have noticed this already.  His maturity and desires have kicked in.  He is more physically confident.  Academically he is beginning to succeed.

I hope that this leads him the direction of drive and determination.  T is so free spirited which I love, but he needs something to love and cherish... a sport, hobby, study, etc.  As he is getting older, I hope this means he will begin to see the importance of trying our best in all endeavors.

This card was perfect for him.

The next question was for JJ.

What should we do when people stare or comment when out in public? 

What should our reaction be? 

Thought I should preface with an experience we just had at the grocery store.  This was a comment I left on FB to explain when someone asked about what had happened.

We turn onto an aisle and a man with his infant looks at me and says (as if J isn't even there),

"Man you sure let him get burnt didn't you?"

I couldn't help myself.  I tried but I just couldn't.

I asked if he was really stupid enough to think I allowed my son to get so burnt that he looked the way he does. I informed him that if a child got so burnt as to look like JJ that parent would deserve to go to jail.

His wife laughed.

I couldn't believe it. I asked her if she truly thought someone going to jail for child endangerment was something to laugh at. no response....

The man at this point said that he was not trying to be ugly to which I replied something along the lines of... so you think it is okay to talk about my son as if he isn't here, accuse me of allowing him to get burnt enough that he would need medical care, and for your wife to think endangering a child is something to laugh at is okay. Again no response.

At that point, I had to let him know a bit of truth... i explained ichthyosis to which his wife ignored. I also made the suggestion that before he comments on other people and or their children he should think about what is being said.

JJ heard me and said that he didn't like that man because he made an ugly face at him when he walked by. The man heard him and was speechless.

I let him know it would be less of an issue if he was the only one who is rude and hurtful to my son in the store, but that since it would happen between 3-10 times during one shopping visit my son just doesn't deserve to deal with his ignorance and inhuman behavior.

At this point, I walked off.

The man never went down anymore isles during his shopping adventure. He had his wife do it.

I felt bad once I got home, but in the heat of the moment I couldn't control it.

JJ cries at least once during outings lately and it is heart wrenching. Adults need to go to sensitivity training.

With this being said...

The STAG lets you know that "now is not the time to stand up and fight.  Recommends flight, prompt action, and escape from the situation."

This was segment taken directly from the explanation page that comes with my deck.

It was so straight forward an obvious.

Now, that I know what I am suppose to do I think I will meditate on exactly how to achieve it.

When it comes to your children, it is sooooo hard to just let them continue to get hurt and stepped on by others... especially when it is beyond their control.

After only a few readings with this deck, I definitely have to say it is my favorite from the two I have.  The other deck is called Tarot of the Magical Forest.  The pictures are beautiful, but it just doesn't feel the same.


  1. You have every right as a mother to stand up for your child. It is instinct. I'm sure you were the Karma that man had coming to him for being so thoughtless in his words. If he said that in front of a child, imagine what he would say around adults?

  2. Thank you. I usually prefer to bite my tongue as I will try to do next time.

    Sometimes it is fight or flight though and that day I just couldn't turn and run.
