Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fun Ideas for Samhain Traditions

The Legend of the Pumpkin Fairy:  You have to check this out.  INGENIOUS

The Little Orange House:  A whimsical, fun story about a mouse/witch (depending on the version you choose) who finds a special home.

Costume Photos: Take a scary family photo... OR... simple take a photo of the family in their Halloween costumes.  Frame the photos and take them out each year on October 1st as part of your Halloween decor.

Pumpkin Carving: Give each family member (or partner up) a pumpkin, newspaper, and carving tools.  Set a timer for a specific amount of time.  Allow teams to carve pumpkins in any way they like. 

Place jack-o-lanterns out on Halloween night with a sign that reads (something along these lines)... My pumpkins aren't tricks.  They're really treats.  Vote for the one you think is neat! 

Have several strips of black and orange paper in a basket.  Place an empty jar near each jack-o-lantern for people to place their votes in.

Pumpkin Hunt:  Instead of the traditional egg hunt, consider having a mini pumpkin hunt.  Place pumpkins all around the yard... They could even have been left by the Pumpkin Fairy.  Have children scavenge the yard at night looking for the pumpkin with his/her name on the bottom.

After the pumpkins have been found, allow children to paint the pumpkins in the driveway by candle light.

What are some of your favorite traditions on Samhain? 

What are some traditions you have stumbled upon that you found inspirational?

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE celebrating the life of my ancestors at graveyards. And I love telling creepy tales around the fire.

    I've nominated you for an award, stop by Pagan Culture and claim it!
