Saturday, November 13, 2010

Yule, Christmas, and the Holidays

So, I was wondering what everyone does for the holidays.  We have traditionally celebrated Christmas, but I would like to incorporate Yule as well. 

Since I began my pagan journey on Samhain 2009, I was so new to the path that I did not do much for Yule last year.  I quietly observe the holiday on my own... a 5 minute mediation and commune with the goddess.  It was nice actually, but it did not involve my children.

I do not want a big ta-do.  Something simple and symbolic of the season.

Any suggestions?  Ideas?

*Upon looking at a post from last year, I realize I did have a brief discussion with the boys.*

My husband doesn't want to confuse them by changing to a Yule celebration, but Christmas never had anything to do with Jesus and his birthday and all of that at our house anyways.

Any ideas on how to transition without a big change?  I also am concerned that if we do not celebrate on the 25th that others will begin to realize our beliefs and ostracize my children.

Isn't it sad to live in the United States and still have to deal with such ridiculous ideas as mainstream Christianity?


  1. I observe both Samhain and the Secular Halloween and the same goes for Yule and the 25th.

    Our family is mixed religion; or rather I am Pagan and the husband doesn't really have a firm religious practice but celebrating with a visit from Santa is important to him (and I'll be honest; to me too, perhaps because there's so much magic in Santa's visit).

    Generally we do something simple to honour the God, Goddess and the day. A special meal, talking about what the day means, perhaps sharing a story that ties into that. A simple craft a small gifting that ties in to Yule. We save the present explosion and family get together for the 25th.

    One of the things I love about following the Pagan path is the tolerance for other paths. With that tolerance comes the ability to make room for more than one celebration.

  2. I am looking forward to the answers you will get! I would like to include more yule in our winter celebrations too!

  3. Hi there, Just recently started reading your blog. We celebrate Yule every year with the Yule fairies delivering gifts. These are usually the non commercial gifts and often fairy oriented (we have two girls). They sprinkle glitter that is left behind under the tree. The night of Yule we also do a ritual with my small coven and then exchange small gifts and have a big feast. :) We have also done a sun cake in the past and we read a winter solstice book. Hope that's a few ideas to get you started. I have also heard of toasting the sun with orange juice!

  4. We celebrate Yule at our house.

    My Little One celebrates Christmas with her biomom, if her biomom wants to watch her.

    I don't celebrate Christmas, so I suppose there's that, lol.

    For Yule we give practical or spiritual gifts (tarot decks, stones, new ritual tools, etc) and the orgy of greed happens for Christmas.

    We have special meals, I stay up all night and do spiritual stuff, we have a ritual, go for a walk and this year I'm planning on finding a spot to watch the sunrise.
