Friday, January 28, 2011

Imbolc Celebration

I think Imbolc is my favorite Sabbat to celebrate.  It gives the heart a little warm squeeze and says... Spring will be there soon.

This year for Imbolc we will celebrate simply:
  • beeswax candle making as a sign of the light to come
  • garden planning... The boys and I will look through seed catalogues to decide what to plant in the upcoming weeks.
  • painting garden stones to show our appreciation for the beauty Mother Earth has bestowed upon us
  • & possibly a nature hike through the woods.
As much of this as possible will occur on Imbolc.  The rest will occur on the weekend following.  It's kind of nice because my hubs and T Man both have a birthday on Feb. 3rd, so it makes it seem like they get a longer celebration.

So, what are you plans for Imbolc?

1 comment:

  1. I keep wanting the girls and my husband to pick out seeds too so I think we will do that this weekend. Great idea! We light tons of candles and have a feast after the ritual as well.
