Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Coming of Light

Simple celebration for Imbolc.  I combined aspects from various posts I have read to come up with something that speaks to my heart.

To Prepare for the Celebration:
*This will take several days.*

1.  Clear the nature table of all signs of winter and Yule.

2.  Take a walk to view the earth.  Gather a variety of dead branches that have fallen to the ground.  Trim the branches and arrange in a recycled glass jar.  Adorn the jar with raffia or twine.  Hang various symbols of spring on the branches.

3.  Begin placing new items on the nature table including the jar of branches, a bowl of earth, and a candle garden.

4.  Select an appropriate poem for the occasion.  Below I have provided several I found fitting:

Thus we banish winter
Thus we welcome spring
Say farewell to what is dead
And greet each living thing
Thus we banish winter
Thus we welcome spring


Candle, candle burning bright
Winter's half way done tonight.
With a-glowing we are knowing
Spring will come again.
5.  Make beeswax candles to use as a table centerpiece until Spring arrives.
On Imbolc:
*This part is for my entire family.*
1.  Gather round the nature table and light the candle garden.  After lighting the candles, talk about the coming Spring.  Discuss all the glories of the sun... providing us with heat, light, and needed energy.  Discuss our dreams of what is to come during the upcoming season.
2.  Take out a piece of paper and create a simple list... maybe three items.  On your list include:
  • a way to prepare for planting
  • a way to beautify your personal outdoor space
  • a way to help the animals.
On the weekend, use this list as a guide for family activities.  Once a week come back to the list and check your progress and come up with a plan on how to work toward your goals. 
You will be surprised how much faster warmth will return to the Earth when you are focused on preparing for its arrival.
3.  After creating your simple list, snuggle it among the other items on your nature table.  Read the poem you have prepared for this special occasion.  If you have a child that can read the poem, even better.
4.  Once the poem is complete say a prayer to the Goddess asking for a swift return to Spring and thanking her for this time of rest that was much needed. 
*As my family is still in the broom closet, we refer to the Goddess as Mother Earth.*
Mother Earth, you have allowed the Earth to sleep
To prepare for the coming of the Spring.
With longer days, we dream of the sun's warmth
And birth of new life.
May you bring a swift return to Spring,
So we may vast in your glory once again.
*I came up with this prayer in only a few minutes.  I am sure you can come up with something more poetic and appropriate for the occasion.  If you do, please share.  I'd love to hear you ideas.*
5.  At this time, allow your children to blow out or snuff the candles.  After the candles have been extinguished, everyone should hold hands and say... Blessed be.
A Personal Meditation:

1.  Choose a quiet, darkened place to sit. 

2.  Light a candle and clear your mind.  Take several deep cleansing breaths. 

3.  Take this time to personally talk to your Goddess.  Discuss the coming of Spring and any goals you may have.  Ask for assistance if needed and a bit of focus to help you achieve your goals.

4.  Lay a cloth in front of you on the floor.  Using your favorite tarot deck, seek guidance for the goals you have just set.

5.  After your reading, send a silent thank you to the Goddess for the time you have spent together.

6.  Blow out the candle and speak the words... Blessed be.

That's it.  I foresee the entire family ritual to take about 5-10 minutes with my personal meditation taking an additional 10-15 minutes later in the evening.

What ritual have you created for Imbolc?

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