Friday, March 4, 2011

Wand Making & Children

With warm weather on the way, taking a nature walk is as a natural as the turning of the wheel.  While out and about with your children, have them on the look out for the perfect wand making stick.  The stick can be any length your child deems.  It should be sturdy and strong which leans toward a diameter of at least nickel size.

Note:  It is important to only use a stick that has been offered... fallen from a tree.  Never remove a branch from a tree in order to make a wand.

Once the perfect stick is located have your child remove all loose bark.  Sand any rough edges to cut down the odds of getting a splinter.   Your child can sand the entire stick if they prefer a smooth, finished look.

Finally, add a bit of decorative flare to the wand.  Ribbon, long grasses, beads, crystals, etc can be tired or glued onto the wand to make the wand as spunky as the child that will yield it.

With completed wand in hand, have your child ask the Goddess for her blessing on this magical tool.  If possible, perform the blessing under the light of the full moon.  Below is something very simple your child could say while holding his or her wand to the heart:

Mother Earth bless this wand
I hold upon my heart.
Send your love to let me know
the goodness it imparts.

*UPDATE:  I was over at Pagan Dad and Patrick shared the perfect ritual words for consecrating magical tools with young children.  Below are the words Patrick has written:

I claim and bless this item
In the name of the Goddess (Lay it on the Earth below)
And the God (Hold it up to the sky)
So that it may serve me well in ritual

If your child is too young, you can perform the ritual blessing.  Here is a beautiful blessing I found on The Magic Wand Shop.

Blessing Ritual

  • white candle
  • sandalwood incense
  • small dish of water
  • salt
Set aside some time on the night of the next Full Moon to bless the wand.

While sitting comfortably on the floor with the materials and wand in front of you, light the candle and incense. Take several deep cleansing breaths and exhale them slowly.  When you are ready, begin.
Pass the wand through the incense smoke and say:

With scented Air so light and free
I give you breath now. Blessed Be!

Pass the wand quickly through the candle flame and say:

With fire that dances wild and free
I give you passion. Blessed Be!

Lightly sprinkle the wand with water and say:

With water so pure, I give to Thee
The blood of Life now. Blessed be!

Sprinkle the wand with a bit of salt and say:

With the salt of the Earth, I give to Thee
Roots in magic. Blessed Be!

Holding the wand close to your heart say:

I am yours and you are mine -
From now until the end of time
I give you Life now willingly
As I will, so mote it be!

Tool Consecration Ritual

Take the wand outdoors and hold it up to the Moon. Invoke the Lord and Lady by saying something like:

Lord and Lady, hear my plea
Please be present here with me
As I dedicate this wand to You
And to Your work _ both old and new
Lend Your power and Your might
Infuse them with Your love and light
Bless this wand I offer Thee
As I will, so mote it be 

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