Saturday, May 14, 2011

...I'm Back...

Wow!  It has been awhile since I really have written for Perfectly Pagan. 

This blog started out as a way to catalogue my spirituality and keep track of things I want to remember for future reference.  It still is to a large part, but for awhile I felt an obligation.  An obligation to have new ideas and materials available to my readers.  An obligation to write or come up with a post just to get it done.

That was so far from what I envisioned when I started.  I had to step a way for awhile.  I am not sure how often I will be writing, but I know it will be more often than I have in last 2 months.  AND I know it will be more come June as I will have tons of time in the summer since I am a teacher and school will be out.

I post every other Thursday as a columnist on Pagan Household.  I update a link to my posts in my side bar under my pages.  So when I am not writing here, I promise to be over there. 

For some reason, I find posting on Pagan Household highly satisfying.  I am writing a column about how to share paganism with children in a very natural way.  Even being so new (2 years or so) into my path, I feel I am helping others on there journey and their encouragement and thought provoking words speak to me.

So, you can still expect to see here:
  • my ponderings on my beliefs
  • questions I am seeking answers to
  • arts and crafts I complete or want to complete with my children 
  • & all the goodness we explore and find in nature.
It just might not be as often.

I am considering started a mini sun school with my children on Saturdays.  My thoughts would be to divide the year into the 4 seasons and create 9 lessons per season.  The Sabbats would be included as part of these lessons.  Not sure how it will turn out or if it will, but it is a project I am contemplating for the summer.  I'll let you know how that goes.


I hope this doesn't deter you from stopping by as I love to know others are reading my thoughts.  I love to hear what you think or get a new perspective on something I have shared.  I just thought you deserved to know what has been going on over here in Texas.

Much more has been keeping me away as Texas and teaching are not going hand in hand at the moment, but I have a job next year and I thank the goddess for that every day.

Brightest blessings to you and yours.  I will stop by and write again soon.

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