Saturday, January 9, 2010

Brooms or Besoms... You Chose

So I noticed that one of my blogging friends, Magaly of Pagan Culture just moved into a new place this weekend.  I had remembered seeing an awesome broom shop on someones blog when I first began my pagan research earlier this year.  I wanted to leave her a comment with the link to the shop. 

Low and behold... I had not added it to my favorite.  An hour and a half later I have learned alot about brooms and found a few shops to share.

Broom Lore...
  • never sweep after sunset since so doing will chase away happiness or hurt a wandering soul
  • on Midsummer's Eve, people often put a broom outside their homes to ward off any wickedness that might come knocking
  • never bring old brooms into new houses...(remember a broom becomes attached to houses...always leave the old one behind....)
  • if you feel as though you are being followed and haunted by unfriendly ghosts, stepping over a broomstick will prevent them from disturbing you
  • it is bad luck to loan your broom to anyone, even a friend
  • a broom laid across your threshold on New Year's Day will keep evil spirits away for the rest of the year
  • GOOD ADVICE:  When sweeping, use alternate side and corners of the broom, so that it may wear evenly.  And...ALWAYS HANG YOUR BROOM UP AFTER USE!
  • oil your broomstick with every turn of the wheel
  • call the rain by swinging your broom clockwise over your head
  • magickal brooms are not regular cleaning brooms and should not be used for such mundane tasks
  • When you first get your broom, always greet it by rubbing your hand over the entire staff of the broom. Learn the body of your broom, inspect it's divets and curves. Use anointing oil to open and activate your broom. A good oil is made from rosemary, thyme, myrrh and lavender in base oil. Make this oil by the full moon and then open your broom on the first day of the new moon.
Note:  I linked the first bullet from each site that I found information from.  All bullets will be from that site until a new link appears.

Great Broom Sites...
From everything I read this evening, here are a few new found understandings.  Of course, my understanding are always subject to change when and if I see fit.  It seems just when I think... aha, I got... the wind blows me in a new direction.

1.  When you arrive at a new home, you need to purchase a new broom.  Your old broom simply will not do as it is attached to your old home.  (thus, the reason for my search in the first place)

2.  Also, a nice new broom makes the perfect wedding/housewarming gift.

3.  Your magikal broom is used to sweep out negativity and thus bring in the light.

4.  You should treat your broom with respect.  Thus, I would think it proper to adorned my broom with ribbon, dried herbs and the such.

5.  Since your magikal broom will hold an important "place" in your life, you should find it a special spot within your home.

Hope you have enjoyed this bit of broom lore.  Now, I must suggest you go checkout the broom shops.  The craftsmanship is amazing.  I think you may just fall in love.

One more thing to add to my wish list.


  1. this is where I bought my two...aren't besoms great?!

  2. I thought your blog might be the one I had originally seen the site on. Must have been.

    I am just itching to buy one. I just can't validate at the moment because I just had Christmas and my birthday.

  3. ~i stumbled upon mine when least expecting...not a thought in mind about it...and then i turned my head and there it was...thank you for the lovely broom post...may you find your hands holding one soon...happy belated birthday & brightest blessings~

  4. Wonderful info! I love brooms and have been collecting them for years (long before I became of the witchy sort!)

  5. I'm a broom junkie! I wish I had more space for them right now. I keep my ritual broom close to where I sleep, for good luck and chasing away bad spirits. Also, I never bring old brooms into a new home, but I've heard that if times are really bad and one can not afford and new one, bringing the broom through the window will leave the bad luck from following you to your new home.

    Thanks so much for this wonderful post. Oh, my broom in on top of my book shelf right now ;) at the edge of my bed.

  6. I love besoms. I really do. I don't have many yet...but I'm hoping to get my 'main' one soon.

    Thanks for this information. It's enlightening.

