Saturday, February 6, 2010

Homemade Butter & Twisted Bread sticks

We decided to make the Twisted bread sticks and homemade butter for our Imbolc dinner.  Making homemade butter is really quick and easy.

Pour heavy whipping cream into a container with a lid. 

Sprinkle a generous amount of salt in to the whipping cream. 

Snap the lid on tightly!!

Take turns shaking the container as hard as you can.

Keep on shaking.  You will shake until you feel the liquid get sloshy.  Open the lid and take a peak.  If the liquid is thicker... about the consistency of a milk shake... you are getting close to being done. 

At this point, take a little lick.  If needed, add more salt.

Be sure to snap the lid on tightly again... BEFORE shaking.  I made a huge mess.

Keep shaking until the whipping cream is a semi-solid state... a little thicker than whipped cream.

Spread on your favorite bread or muffin. 

Place any unused butter in the fridge. 

Will last about 2 weeks covered and refrigerated.

To make the above twisted bread sticks, buy a can of pillsbury bread sticks near the biscuits at your local grocery store.

Pull the bread sticks apart. 

Take 2 bread sticks and smoosh one end together.  Then, twist each bread stick around the other one as if braiding with only 2 strands.

Smoosh the opposite ends together as well.

Bake per package directions.

We made some with cinnamon and sugar and some plain.  The boys loved spreading their homemade butter on these yummy warm bread sticks. 


  1. ~nothing like homemade butter...we were doing it for awhile and then my husband said...please can we go back to buying the sticks of real butter...they all got burnt out on shaking! does give your arms a workout...brightest blessings~

  2. I had no idea making butter was that easy! Wow.

    Looks delicious.
