Saturday, February 6, 2010

What's in a Name?

If you are in the closet so to speak about your spiritual path, what do you refer to the goddess as?

At our house, we generally talk about Mother Nature and/or the Sky King.  I think that both of these terms are generic enough not to stir up any negativity if my children were to mention it to school friends, yet lend themselves to being easily connected to the Goddess when the time comes.

I ask the question because I am concerned about confusion. 

T has been experiencing some talk about "God" at school. I do not want to say anything negative about what he hears, but I am not sure how to let him know that we do not necessarily believe the same way. I want him to ultimately have a choice as to his beliefs when he gets older.

How do you make sure that your little ones are experiencing spirituality in a positive way?

I want both of the boys to realize that the things we do are as important spiritually as Christmas and the such is to a Christian.

Does any of this make sense?

Since this is a new endeavor for the family we are able to lay the groundwork any way we like.  I am not having to undo anything. 

Anywys, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject.

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