Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blog Award for Me?

I haven't been around much lately.  It has been crazy at work and at home.  I had some weird allergy thing that caused me to feel rotten and lose my voice for about 2 1/2 weeks.  Before that, my son had a lung infection.  Sounds worse than it was, but I missed work for a week to tend to him.  Now, my youngest and my hubs don't feel as they should.

With all this said, I was so happy that in my absence I received a Beautiful Blog Award from Tiffany who writes Diary of a Natural Witch

Maybe I am doing something right on this blog.  When your learning about your spirituality on your own (and with other bloggie friends) you always feel as though your head is spinning and you need direction. 

Thank you to all of you who read and comment on my blog.  It encourages me along the journey and lets me know that I am indeed trailing in the right direction.

On to the award...
Here are the rules of this award:

1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic!
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

Seven random things about me:
  1. I love teen vampire novels... Twilight was the first and then... Morganville vampire series, Night World, etc.  Of course, I love adult series too... Anita Blake Vampire Slayer, Sookie Stackhouse, etc.
  2. My house is always in renovation.  Not always but most of the time.  When your hubby likes to build as a hobby, it kind of takes over the life.  Right now he is building a fire place.  Next, we will be tearing down a wall, adding ceiling support beams, pulling off the dry wall and replacing it (where the dog thinks it is a bathroom), and painting.  Fun huh.  I already know the next two projects after that as well.
  3. I buy fresh cut flowers at least twice a month.  Only one $5 bunch as not to spend too much.  Astromerias are my favorite because they last for weeks if watered and untouched.
  4. My actual favorite flowers though are really tulips, sunflowers, and daisies.
  5. I love chunky looking vintage rings, but alas I do not own any.
  6. I am a mess maker.  I said it.  The messes in my house are mine and there are tons.  My school stuff invades everything.
  7. I am a children's book addict.  Do they have something similar to AA for me?  CBA?  I just love the illustrations, the stories.  Being a teacher I probably spend about $500 any given year on just children's books.  That doesn't include my own books.  Since summer when I began reading again I think I have read about 75 book.  Luckily, my class and my mom and my husband all got me gift cards to Barnes and Nobles for Christmas and I purchased a NOOK and absolutely love it!!
Now, I get the honor of bestowing the award onto others that I feel have Beautiful Blogs.  This is my favorite part.

* Frontier Dreams: a waldorf family that loves nature and creative play

* Ordinary Life Magic: (too): another nature loving family learning together

* Little Eco Footprints: a family living simple, green and loving nature

Please stop by these blogs and check them out.  If you have children, I know you will love them as much as I do.


  1. I love fresh flowers also and think they can do wonders for a room... a great lift for your spirts..

  2. I love that you are finding your way on your own, and I think you do a great job of sharing. I too like teen vampire novels, House of Night is one of my faves and the Sookie Stackhouse Series. And chunky rings?! Love love love 'em, but rarely wear the ones I have. Hmmm: must do that more. And I too make messes...everywhere! Kindred spirits, maybe?

    Merry Meet and blessed be, Amethyst

  3. Congratulations my Wicked Darling! You deserve it!!

    So you love children books? Noooo! lol I think your love is contagious, for I want to have a bunch of them and read them to a small army of youngsters every time I read one of your reviews. I told you once, I'll keep your site forever, as the long list of what to read to babes to come.

  4. I just wanted to say thank you! I hope you find your wool!!! :)

  5. Contratulations....and Thank you!!

    have a lovely weekend :-)
