Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Break Has Arrived

I have been trying to decide how to spend Spring Break with the boys.  I knew I wanted some activity and it would have to be indoors due to the little guy.  I also knew that I wanted to include nature and the upcoming Sabbat.

If I do not set my plans in stone with room for change, we tend to fall into routine and just veg at home.  I have a new motto after reading Fit From Within... Get Up, Get Dressed, and Get Going.

Here is what I have so far.  Some of it is less than desirable because I would love to be outside more, but you adapt when your little one cannot go outside in warm weather.  If the weather is cooler, my plans will adapt as well

Monday: We are going to go bowling.  This is a new activity BOTH of the boys really enjoy.  It brings out a little friendly competition and doesn't involve a Wii remote.

Tuesday:  We will weed and begin to till the soil in our garden.  We will also be making a fairy house for the garden we are working on.  The boys have asked if we could turn our candle garden into something fun to play with, so we are going to attempt to make miniature garden tools and turn it into a Zen Garden.

Wednesday:  We are going to play glow in the dark putt-putt golf.  The boys love this as well.  They always want to wear white  for the most fun effect.  In the evening, we  will work together to make a snack to take to a friend's house tomorrow.

Thursday:  We are going over to one of my teammates homes for a much needed girls' afternoon (with kids in tow).  I am bringing several activities to keep the boys busy... pentago, uno, football, etc.

Friday:  We will be finishing up the garden activities... planting seeds, repotting herbs, etc.  We will also have an arts and craft day... painting sun catcher again, making a mosaic stepping stone for the garden, and possible wet felting Ostara eggs.

Through all of this I still have lots of school related stuff to do and books to read for my own little break from the norm.  If all goes well, a week at home for Spring Break will prove to be more fulfilling than having taken a vacation.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds WONDERFUL! Perhaps I need to do this over Parker's spring break. I'm usually not so organized. LOL
