Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ostara Blessings

Oh, I so wished that today would be as beautiful as yesterday. Warm weather, beautiful blue skies... It is sadly not.

The weather is again wet, cold, and dreary here in Texas. Weather like this makes you want to curl up in a ball under a blanket and drink hot chocolate... not run naked under the glorious sun.

(Not that I have every done that. I'm not modest, but I am very self conscience. I do not release self control hardly ever... really thinking about it... I can't remember every releasing self control. Sad, isn't it? No, abandon. No, freedom to just... be. I guess we are what we are. I should however try to allow myself a little peak at abandoned reckless every now and then. The thought though makes my stomach flip flop...)

Anyways, regardless of the weather have a wonderful Ostara with you family. Tonight we are making bunny biscuits and eggs. At least right now. You never know when I might decide to get a little reckless and make something else instead. (wink)

Bright Blessings.

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