Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Solstice Celebration

Still finishing up our Solstice celebration.  It was quiet and simple.

We began creating a family masterpiece.  Both of the boys and I are painting pictures of the sun.  Each one is completely and totally different.  We used several canvases that we had painted last year. 

All we did was repaint the canvases white before we began.  We are using kids tempera paint, so the colors are not as vibrant as I would have liked but my kitchen floor is surviving without evidence of our play.  That is a miracle in and of itself.

Besides our sun paintings, we simply spent some time outside.  The boys played catch with daddy while I quietly watered the garden.  My poor herbs are not fairing well at the moment... so sad.

Big G and I did add some landscaping circles around two of our trees and added in tons of mulch.  Our backyard is going from an eye sore to something a bit more inviting.  It has a long ways to go, but it will get there.

As for explaining the Solstice to the boys, I made it simple.  I told them that it was the longest day of the year and a time to celebrate all the ways the sun helps us and our Earth Mother.  I let them know that our garden should soon begin to grow veggies and that we should say thank you for the gifts the Earth provides for us.  I left it at that and both seemed to understand.

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