Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Busy Bee Watch the World Go By

It has been so busy here in the Sanders' house.  I recently went on vacation.  I have informally started back to work.  I go up and work in the classroom on most days now... just bits here and there.  My house is always in a need for clean.  It seems it gets clean and then it's time to cook.  The unending cycle is relentless.

But, the most exciting adventure that has been keeping me from blogging on a regular basis and turned my interest a bit is a new book Simplicity Parenting is written by Kim John Payne and I must say the man is brilliant.  The book is a guide on how to simplify all aspects of your life and get back to basics.  Through simplification you not only get a clean streamlined home, but a calm and peaceful lifestyle full of free time to spend with the ones you love.

The benefit of simplification on children is amazing.  Children need a natural rhythm and flow to the day.  They need simplicity and only a few choices in life.  They do not need to hear adult conversations.

We are overwhelming our children nowadays with tv, technology, and world happenings.  Childhood is going by at warp speed and as parents we are missing out on so much.  As for our children, we are taking away a time of magic that cannot be given back.

Reading this book will change the way you see your home life and work life.  It will allow you to prioritize what is most important and map out the time to engage in those activities and be with the ones you love.

I have been asked to submit a weekly post to the Simplicity Parenting Blog sharing my journey on the road to simplification.  On my family blog, I will be keep a journal of sorts as I give myself 365 days to travel full circle from messes and mayhem to peace and harmony. 

OR at least that is the goal.

If you would like to read the book and share stories with others going through simplification in their lives, feel free to join The Circle.  We post the things we are trying out and ask questions to get advice.  It is a place you can go to work through the process with others that are on this same journey.

I promise to try to get back on schedule as best as possible.  Please continue to check in, but know that as I simplify I will be cutting back screen time as well.  I am hoping that means when I do post the content will have more meaning, a deeper insight, and more engaging seasonal activities to share with your kiddos.

Have a wonderful end to your summer.  I sure to plan to.

1 comment:

  1. This book sounds super interesting. I love the idea of simplifying most things. I like playing outside and enjoying natural things that bring me and the young ones in my life a bit closer to nature.

    Have a world of fun staying simple my dear!
