Friday, February 25, 2011

Calling on the Goddess

Sometimes life goes by too fast and sends you into overdrive.  It rapidly skates by while you sit and watch feeling like you are stuck on pause.

Nothing particularly special is happening.  Nothing has really changed, yet you feel overwhelmed and in a funk.

This is where I am at.  I am out of routine, tired, grumpy, and dissatisfied for no reason I can discern.

I'm not unhappy.  I have no reason to be.  I'm just not motivated to live life to the fullest so to speak.

What should a momma to two amazing little boys and wife to her best friend do?

Well, snap out of it of course!

As the old saying goes... This is easier said than done.

I need to get back in touch with nature, my Goddess, and the people I love.  I need to put forth a bit of effort and change my outlook and plunge back into the life I love.

How do I plan to do this you may ask?

Hummmm.  To be honest, I don't exactly know.  I think I will start with spending some time alone... probably in the tub.  Seems to be the only time I am truly alone for a good chunk of time.  I think not thinking for awhile may be the place to start. 

It's amazing how many times I get clarity from my stolen moments of solitude.  I hope that by taking the time to ground myself I can shake this feeling of unrest.

How do you kick the funk?

What little things help you find your way when you seem lost?

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