Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ostara Poems Too


Come bright butterfly, close to me.
Your beautiful wings I should like to see.
You fly like a bird; you sip like a bee.
But you're really a flower the wind set free.

Winter’s End

Busy gnomes chip away
At the winter's hard ground,
So that bulbs may burst forth
And spring's beauty abound.

In the woods, damp and dark,
They must labor below.
Crooked roots and cold stones,
Pushing stalks through the snow.

Undines melt snow until
Water can flow again.
Filling the leaves growing
Green with spring rain.

Sylphs, they are dreaming
Of winds softly streaming
Through petals all yellow
And purple and blue.

Spring Shower

Rain is falling from the sky     (flutter fingers down)
Lightening flashes! Hide your eyes!     (cover eyes with hands)
Thunder rumbles in the clouds.     (drum hands on thighs)
Sometimes it is very loud.     (cover ears with hands)
When the storm is over
and puddles remain,     (shape arms into a circle)
It’s time to take off my shoes again.     (pretend to take off shoes)

Waking of Spring

When woods awake and trees are green
And leaves are large and long,
'Tis merry to walk in the forest fair
And hear the small birds' song.

We are the sunshine fairies
And with our sparks of light
We shimmer and glimmer in the air
Hugging flowers with colors so bright.

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I hope you enjoy these poems as they are some of my favorite for this time of the year.  Sorry that I do not recall the authors to these poems.

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